
Aug.1948 Foundation of the Company.
Aug.1974 Kinboshi Ishii co., Ltd. was established.
Jun.1982 Opening of Tokyo Sales Office.
Jun.1984 Opening of Fukuoka Sales Office.
Apr.1988 Tokyo Sales Office was spun off as a sales department and Kinboshi Inc. (Tokyo Headquarters) was established.
Dec.1992 The name of the Company was changed to Kinboshi Inc.
Jan.1993 Opening of Osaka Sales Office.
Oct.1994 Information System Business started.
Feb.1996 Opening of Sapporo Sales Office.
May 1997 Sales for Police started.
Apr.1998 Opening of Chu-shikoku Sales Office.
Sep.1998 A plant was established in Dalian, China.
Sep.2000 Opening of RD Center.
Mar.2005 Sapporo Sales Office was spun off as sales department and Sapporo Headquarters was established.
Jul.2005 Environmental Business started.
Aug.2005 Name of Sapporo Headquarters was changed to North Japan Headquarters.
Aug.2005 IPCC(Intelligence Products Control Center) started operation.
Jul.2006 Name of Osaka Sales Office was changed to Osaka Branch.
Apr.2009 Management Service Business was started.
Apr.2010 Name of Chu-shikoku Sales Office was changed to Okayama Sales Office.
May 2011 Opening of MRC(Maebashi Recycling Center).
Dec.2012 Opening of MMC (Maebashi Maintenance Center).
Aug.2013 Opening of Toyohashi Office.
Oct.2014 Joining France Metz WTC.
Feb.2017 Fukuoka Sales Office was relocated.
Sep.2017 Kazufumi Ishii became president.
Yuichi Ishii became chairman.
Kinboshi Inc. (Okayama) and TOPOLO Inc. were merged into Kinboshi Inc. (Tokyo).
Name of RD Center was changed to Brilliant Square.
Jul.2018 Opening of France Sales Office.
Sep.2020 KMC (Kurashiki Maintenance Centre) has been opened.
Business Policy
Business Goals
Characteristics of Kinboshi
Corporate Profile
Business Location